The Dating Questionaire
Don't you think it would be a really great idea, before going on a new date to compose a 500 question, 10 page questionaire.
Before we decide to date sir it is necesary that you fill out this little 10 page questionaire in its entirity. Upon successfully passing the quiz we can proceede on the date.
First question, have you ever been an axe murder or do you frequent events with axe murders?
Are you currently on a witness protection program.?
Do you have any knowledge of the Gambino family?
Do you wear red ties on Sundays?
Have you ever intentioanlly tripped a waitress?
Did you date my best friend Becca in high shcool?
Did you paint my cat Reese blue?
Were you the picture I saw in the post office this morning, if not what were you doing at 10:30am this morning?
Was that you with the binoculars across the street staring at my house all night. If not where were you? Do you have poof?
So far sir this isnt going well. I can see that you are sidestepping the issues and avoiding the questions, I also noticed you ordered Italian food which leads me to believe that you did not answer question 3 honestly. Thank-you for your 3 hours of time. You dont get to fill out the questionaire a second time I am very sorry you failed sir. We need to clear the chair for the next participant.