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Tell Me a Funny Story ?

In the 80s when I was a teenager, about 10 of us went to see Vanhalen. All 10 of us climbed into a van, including my sister and I. I was still pretty terrified of big crowds, and going into the city to see a rock concert was a pretty exciting and terrifying thing to me.

When we arrived at Moby Gym, which is where Vanhalen was performing, the guy my sister was dating offered her a better seat, closer to him. When she moved this left me all alone and quite anxious, (scared really) in a large crowd. I sat there shaking with my arms wrapped around myself about to cry.

I was later offered a back stage pass, and had no idea what was happening. I literally almost yelled at the guy, telling him to get away from me and asking him why he was bothering me. In retrospect, I didnt know what I was passing up. It could have been an unforgetable experience.

When the concert was over we all piled into the Van, including one of our friends named Mel, a very large man wearing a big green down coat. Most of the people in the van were entirely intoxicated as the trip progressed.

Then the games began. A very large girl with lots of tattoes, before they were popular, started going on and on about how incredible looking David Lee Roth was. She said if she couldnt have him, she would never be with any other man. Mel then said, "Honey, you are going to be alone for a long time". Of course there was a shouting match, with drinks spilling on everyone. We were all soaking wet and it had to smell like a brewery in there.

At that point Mel, who was well over 6 feet tall and looked like the incredible hulk in his green down jacket, started beating on his chest and making animal noises. The down from his jacket began to fly all over the van coating and sticking to all of our soaking wet selves.

Needless to say at this point everyone was irritable and angry. We then ran out of gas at a gas station that was closed. (Yes it was the 80s and they werent open all night). Cell phones werent something most people had, so there was no calling mom and dad to tell them we wouldnt be home all night.

It turned out to be very long Saturday night. We had to try to sleep in down feathers and alcohol, in a freezing cold van, packed like sardines.

In retrospect you have to laugh, but at that moment, it wasnt very funny. I really miss the 80s.

Julzzz R

(Ill probably delete this blog later. It is probably only humorous to me. I do miss the 80s)

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