Take off the Spell
There is a song from a long time ago in which some of the lyrics say, if it werent for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. There are days when, we all feel that way, sometimes mine last for months. Even my daughters tell me, "Mom, you have the worst luck of anyone I know." I keep swearing Im going to find the gypsy that put the spell on me and she is in, Big Trouble.
It has been years and I havent found her yet. Imagine, trying to sell your life on Ebay and not getting a bid, or going on facebook and not finding a friend. That part is actually my fault. I dont know how to use facebook, so I post and comment to myself. One day someone will feel sorry for me and befriend me.
How many people have four cars go down, in an eight month period or continually attract psychologically strange, even certifiable people. I keep looking for the bright orange sticker on my forehead that says follow me if you are very strange. The really sad part is I have dated a lot of them unknowingly and found out after the fact. The conversation usually goes something like this. "You did what?, and I am supposed to be okay with this, why?
There is a school of thought that says we create our own reality. It's okay, my parents the aliens will be here anyday. The extraterrestrials, of course. Have a great night. Tommorrow, could be normal for me?
Julzzz R

(Any comments or suggestions can be emailed to angelsonissues@gmail.com) Thank-you.