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Once Upon a Time

When were children and listened to books most of them started with Once upon a Time, as do the childrens books I write.

The stories gave us a chance and still do, to imagine, dream, and do time travel without leaving the room. Of course there were the scary ones with witches and wolves. It is a wonder with some of those stories, that we didnt have more nightmares.

The ironic thing is we do meet with those things in real life everyday. The faces are different, but the symbolism is there,

and very real. In the fairytales you were always given the tools to fight or conquer the issue. In real life if we reach deep enough and want to see it, we have the tools, but the battles may take longer, and the resolution, may not be as apparent or easy.

I guess these everyday battles build or break character or strength, and during them, we would just like something, a little more simplistic. Kind of like when you were a child and got a spanking, and were told you were getting the spanking because you were loved. At those times you had to think, Dad please dont love me so much.

When we grow up life spanks us for our mistakes instead and we can become bitter or embrace them to learn. I cant say that I embrace them when they are happening, and sometimes not after the fact. I really want my happily ever after, but I don't want to wait for the end. I want my Now in a time. It is a little more work than in the fairytales. Someone, read me a story please.

Julzzz R

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