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How did I get here?

When I ask how I got here I am not referring to the stork or conception version.

There is a school of thought that indicates we are where we are, because at some point, we visualized being here or there. I can tell you, that I find myself in a lot of situations that I am pretty positive I never imagined and they arent all good.

Some of them are quite challenging. and I havent learned to write myself out of the situation, which did work in a plot of a play I wrote in college. It was about to be produced, before I morally forced myself to leave a bad relationship and never saw fruition. Again this is something I dont believe I visualized.

Leaving a very nice house to save yourself and a child with 3 bags in the middle of the night doesn't make a pretty picture at that moment, and definitely not a good comedy.

I am not sure who wrote it, and definitely more elequently than I could state it. Circumstances dont make, but reveal us. I can tell you, they can definitely change you. You can decide how, you use or dont use them for the better. Personally I have concluded that a lot of these circumstances are not created, through visualization, even though it may help us to get through them, but do make us who we are today.

We can use it as a platform to become what we want to be or use it as one of those lonely pity parties, which I cant say I havent sent invitations to.

Just a thought for the day, which I didn't plan. This was intended to be a comedic blog? See you nevt time. I am off to sieze, that day. It depends on how fast it is running.

Julzzz R

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